May 24, 2010

Today's Pedophile Joke

Q and A:

Q) Daddy, Daddy! What is a pedophile?

Shut up son, and keep licking my balls.

May 18, 2010

Today's Pedophile Joke

A little girl runs into her Mommy's room and says, "Uncle Jimmy makes my poop hole hurt."
The mother replies, "He makes my poop hole hurt too."
The father, in the bathroom over hears this, comes out and says, "Wow, he's been busy, my poop hole also hurts!"

May 12, 2010

Today's Pedophile Joke

Q and A:
Q.) How come Michael Jackson was never been convicted of child abuse?
A.) Simple, why do think he kept a live Tiger on his property.

May 6, 2010

Today's Pedophile Joke

Q and A:
Q.) Why did Madonna final have children?
A.) Because she wanted live dolls to play with.